Surrogate Parents
A surrogate parent is a person who acts in place of the parent to make educational decisions on behalf of a child with a disability in all matters relating to the identification, evaluation and educational placement of the child and the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to the child.
NEW and IMPROVED Surrogate Parent Training is now ONLINE!
Visit for the latest Surrogate Parent Training & Information
If you are interested in becoming certified as a Surrogate Parent for a student in Ohio, you must create an account and login to begin the course. You will then complete each module in sequence. If you are a current surrogate parent, the deadline to complete the new training is August 2, 2022.
Each module will include:
- Video presentation explaining key concepts and resources
- Method of applying the information learned
- Content and resources from external sources
- Reflection opportunities
- Quiz to assess learning and knowledge of content
Questions about training content should be submitted via email to: [email protected]
For questions about surrogate parents in Region 10, please contact Kelli Cook by email or phone (937) 236-9965 x2131 or view the latest information from the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce - Serving as a Surrogate Parent