Our Partners
Regional Educational Service Centers - Region 10 is comprised of six Educational Service Centers (ESCs). State Support Team and ESC consultants meet regularly to collaboratively discuss, plan and design technical assistance and professional development for the 52 districts and 34 community schools in our region.
Ohio Department of Education & Workforce - The Ohio Department of Education & Workforce oversees the state’s public education system, which includes public school districts, joint vocational school districts and charter schools. The department also monitors educational service centers, other regional education providers, early learning and childcare programs, and private schools.
Ohio Department of Children & Youth - The Ohio Department of Children and Youth's mission is to promote positive, lifelong outcomes for Ohio youth through early intervention, quality education, and family support programs.
Ohio Department of Health - The Ohio Department of Health provides services and resources to professionals and the children they serve, including vision screening assistance, Help Me Grow and child care resources.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities - Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and the Ohio Department of Education form the Ohio Transition Support Partnership to improve post-secondary outcomes for students with disabilities, beginning at age 14. This innovative collaboration is changing the nature and impact of transition services for students with disabilities in Ohio.
Partner Links
ESC Partners
- Clark County ESC
- Darke County ESC
- Greene County ESC
- Miami County ESC
- Montgomery County ESC
- Preble County ESC